14 March 2014

Posisi Management Representative Ditiadakan dalam ISO 9001:2015?

Banyak pembaca blog yang bertanya-tanya tentang posisi management representative dalam standar terbaru ISO9001:2005.

Pertanyaan yang diajukan: Apakah posisi management representative ditiadakan dalam versi standar ISO 9001:2015?

Jawabannya adalah standard ISO 9001 versi terbaru atau ISO 9001:2015 tetap mensyaratkan adanya management representative dalam penerapan sistem manajemen mutu perusahaan.

Berikut persyaratan ISO 9001:2015 yang berhubungan dengan posisi management representative (lihat tulisan yang di bold):

5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authoritiesTop management shall be accountable for the effectiveness of the quality management system and shall assign the responsibility and authority for: 
a) ensuring that the quality management system conforms to the requirements of this International Standard and  
b) ensuring that the processes interact and are delivering their intended outputs, 
c) reporting on the performance of the quality management system to top management and any need for improvement, and
d) ensuring the promotion of awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization.

Poin a) sampai dengan d) merupakan tugas-tugas management representative.

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